When I was a child I was so afraid of thunderstorms. With every thunderstorm I wasn't able to sleep. I was hiding under the blanket hoping it would end soon. Sometimes the thunder was so loud and the windows rattled so extremely that I went to my grandmother. She lived in the same house but the thunderstorm didn't sound so intense because she lived downstairs. The thunder wasn't that loud and suddenly it was easier for me to sleep.
What were you afraid of as a child? And what helped you? Is there something you're still afraid of?
Thinking about fear, king David comes to my mind. He experienced many situations which caused fear in him. But he put his trust in God. Sometimes he even begged on him.
In Psalms 56, David wrote:
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
To whom do you go when you are afraid?
Back then it helped me to go to my grandmother during thunderstorms. But now there are also some situations that cause fear. Now it helps me to speak to God and to tell him about my fears. It calms me and the fear wanes. My fear won't disappear immediately, but I feel better speaking about my fears with someone.
What were you afraid of as a child? And what helped you? Is there something you're still afraid of?
Thinking about fear, king David comes to my mind. He experienced many situations which caused fear in him. But he put his trust in God. Sometimes he even begged on him.
In Psalms 56, David wrote:
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
To whom do you go when you are afraid?
Back then it helped me to go to my grandmother during thunderstorms. But now there are also some situations that cause fear. Now it helps me to speak to God and to tell him about my fears. It calms me and the fear wanes. My fear won't disappear immediately, but I feel better speaking about my fears with someone.
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