Times like this are strange. Somehow everyone feels uncomfortable in this uncertain time. Fear is all around. The news make us feel scaried. Nobody knows what'll happen and how long this fearful time will last. Isolation brings fear.
There are many things that frighten us. Not only that Covid thing.
Loneliness. Unemployment. Illness. Bullying. And many other things.
Especially other peoples words can intensify our fear.
Am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I loveable? Am I valueable enough to have friends? Are my clothes modern enough? Am I successful enough? Who am I?
And then comes the fear to be not good enough, to be not loveable enough.
But let me tell you: Fear is a liar. The voice inside you is a liar.
Fear makes you restless, steals your happiness, your worth, the truth about you. And there is a truth about you: YOU MATTER! You are good enough! You are loveable! You are not alone! You are here for a reason.
There are people around you and they want to help you to see and experience the truth about you.
I found a wonderful song by Zach Williams. Check it out:
There are many things that frighten us. Not only that Covid thing.
Loneliness. Unemployment. Illness. Bullying. And many other things.
Especially other peoples words can intensify our fear.
Am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I loveable? Am I valueable enough to have friends? Are my clothes modern enough? Am I successful enough? Who am I?
And then comes the fear to be not good enough, to be not loveable enough.
But let me tell you: Fear is a liar. The voice inside you is a liar.
Fear makes you restless, steals your happiness, your worth, the truth about you. And there is a truth about you: YOU MATTER! You are good enough! You are loveable! You are not alone! You are here for a reason.
There are people around you and they want to help you to see and experience the truth about you.
I found a wonderful song by Zach Williams. Check it out:
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