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For example: for some people it's normal to offend each other without meaning it. But others can feel hurt by this because they don't know that it's just a joke. In such situations you have to find out that it's not against you, but just a joke. If you discover this, it's way easier to forgive them.
So I would say we have to watch out what we say to other people and how we say it. But we also have to watch out that we don't take ourselves too serious and too important, because the others didn't even recognize that they hurt you.
If you are hurt, you have to keep calm and don't hurt back, whether with words or fists. You have to find out why you're feeling hurt. If you can express it in words you should go to the person who hurt you, and tell her how she hurt you, if you can. It's the best way to find out if the person wanted to hurt you or if it wasn't the intention. And if the person knows that they hurt you, they have the chance to ask for forgiveness.
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