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gathered together in Canada to watch the games and cheer their teams. Yesterday night the US- team had to face Germany, and both teams knew it wasn't gonna be easy.
Still, quickly it was clear who was dominating this one: the American women put a lot of pressure on Germany's defense and kept them from acutally attacking the US goal. The German goaly had quite some shots to deal with though. After the first half ending without any goals, the second half got even more intense. Finally Germany got the chance to score with a penalty kick. One of the best girls from the team, Célia Sasic was up to shoot - and even though the American goaly leapt to the right and the kicker aimed to the left - she missed. Her focus wasn't 100% on.
When the American team scored their first goal, also by doing a penalty kick, she got the ball right in. Absolutely focussed on what she was doing she aiming to the left side of the box to score the important goal, which gave enough confidence to score another one and lead to the win.
You see how important focus can be - all or nothing. It's simlar in your life: If you aren't focussed on where you're going with the decisions you make you might end up in a dead end with nowhere to go. God wants to light the way for you and show you the right path, but you have to stay focussed on him and listen to him as your "coach". Because as you can see, sometimes even the smallest lack of focus can cause you to fail. God wants you to succeed and gave all he had for you to win eternal life.
Don't take that for granted. Mistakes happen, but God is there to help you up and coach you.
Listen to him and stay focussed - because your life is about so much more than just a trophy.
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