Time flies by so fast. Today's already the 1st of June although it seems like Christmas was yesterday.
Since then many thing may happened to you. Good things and maybe also bad things.
I don't know your plans for this month. And sometimes plans also change.
But maybe you already know that some challenging things may happen this month. So today I have a little prayer for you for this month:
"Lord, please calm my heart and my soul today (this week and this month), so many things are out of control and I need your love to soothe me and calm me. Your love let's me know it will be ok."
So maybe you want to make this to your prayer.
Be sure that whatever may happen this month, God's with you. He want's to give you peace and a place to rest and restore.
Since then many thing may happened to you. Good things and maybe also bad things.
I don't know your plans for this month. And sometimes plans also change.
But maybe you already know that some challenging things may happen this month. So today I have a little prayer for you for this month:
"Lord, please calm my heart and my soul today (this week and this month), so many things are out of control and I need your love to soothe me and calm me. Your love let's me know it will be ok."
So maybe you want to make this to your prayer.
Be sure that whatever may happen this month, God's with you. He want's to give you peace and a place to rest and restore.
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