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Be Honest - who of you hasn't been fooled at least once in their lifetime on April fools day?
Especially among kids this "holiday" is famous and everybody wants to trick the ones around them. "Your laces are open!" or "You got a spider on your head!" are probably the classics.
It's funny, because it's one day a year where fooling other people is 'allowed'.
That's why we do it - for fun - but did you ever think about the fact, that you also get fooled when it's not April fools day? And I don't mean silly jokes about insects crawling over your head.
The world fools us. The world and the society, and social media and all these famous magazines. Every day over and over again. How? They make us believe that we need money to be happy, or a perfect body, or a lot of friends, or the newest smartphone. Not long ago I saw a meme of how a women's magazine is structured: On page 1 to 10 it talks all about how important it is to love yourslf, have confidence and don't let anybody bring you down. Pages 11 to 35 are about how to lose 10 pounds in two weeks by dieting and working out. and on pages 36 to 50 there are recipes for the best chocolate cakes on earth.
That's what I mean, we get fooled. The irrealistic standards society has nowadays fool us and make us think bad about ourselves. That's not how it supposed to be.
When God made the humans and he looked at them he said "This is very good!" We all are very good! God made us just perfect and we don't need to have perfect body measurements or a money- packed banking account. We need faith and hope and love and trust. We need to renew the knowledge of us being perfect in God's eyes. We need to focus on following him and surrendering our sins. All these things that other people tell us we need to have aren't as important when we have God and Jesus and a place in heaven. That's what we should rely on.
Don't let yourself be fooled this month.
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