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Easter is the greatest event in the history of the world. That the son of God should die, be buried and raised from the dead three days later is nothing short of a miracle. And what is even more miraculous is how much was accomplished in such a short space of time, and that it was accomplished under such terrible circumstances. But even with all the great adversities the Lord Jesus faced, He accomplished everything He wanted to and was able to give a great, triumphant cry, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) All that He had set out to achieved had been done, all the enemies of His creation had been defeated, truly this wonderful cry echoed throughout Jersualem, the earth, the whole universe and heaven, itself, “It is finished!” This was truly the greatest days work ever accomplished, and all by one man, who had been abandoned even by His closest friends.
From that point on every sin could be forgiven, ever conscience cleansed, every heart purified, every spirit renewed. Once again mankind could live set free from sin and its polluting and corrupting effects. Now, as Jesus had said, “Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19b) What a day to celebrate!
What a day to rejoice in! And now we look forward to the day when He will return, not for sin, but in utter holiness to redeem our bodies so that we can be forever with the Lord.
Can you say, this Easter time, I truly have been made alive in Christ? Have you taken advantage of all that He finished for you and are you living in the fullness of His life?
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