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during the winter.
As the name says, Thanksgiving is about being thankful. Maybe you used that day for thinking about what you're thankful for. Did you come to any results?
I think, you, me and all other people all over the world have a lot of reasons to be thankful. Be thankful for your family, even though they might be nerve- wracking sometimes. Be thankful for your friends that are always there if you need someone to talk. Be thankful for your home, your daily bread, just for all these little small things that became so self- evident in your life. The smallest thing can make your life take the biggest turn. Be thankful for everything and towards the one who gave you all these things: God.
I believe that thankfulness can make the world a more peaceful place. So, try to be deeply thankful for everything.
And always remember: God loves it, if you just say "Thank You" once a day.
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."
Ps. 9, 1
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