Luke 11:10 NIV
Within the last week this verse popped up to me a few times. I think that´s a way god talks to us. This way, god got me thinking about this verse quite much, even if I read this verse a few times before.
I think often we want things to happen, but we forget to ask god about it. We try do a variety of things to make our dreams come true, but often we´re incapable to do it on our own. When we ask god, it may not happen the way we want it to and not at the time we want, but it could get even better than we are able to imagine.
Gods wants the best for us and he wants us to be happy. It´s just the way that we often don´t understand. He knows whats best for us, but he wants us to believe that he is capable to make us happy.
Let us give our dreams to god and stop worry about them.That´s the way we can get happy and live a blessed life.
I know that´s not easy, I still have to learn this, too.
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