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Sometimes thunderclouds like these cross your way. And it really cracks. Storms brew up with hail and heavy showers. Life-hurricanes.
Storms can damage a lot. That's similar with the life-storms.
There is the dispute with your best friend. Row with your parents. The moving up is endangered because of your marks. The profit of the company you work for decreases and so your workplace is on the rocks. And your relationship with your partner is heading towards a crisis.
... and maybe some other things come together at one time and they assail you. What a tempest! Warning level violet.
What are you doing now?
The best will be to batten down the hatches and wait until it's over.
When there is a natural storm it is possible to prepare things and secure until the storm is over.The time for the all-clear signal will come.
But that won't work with the storms in your life. Some thunderclouds won't blow over. So you have to do something against. Searching for a clarifying conversation. Asking for tutoring to improve your knowledge and receiving better marks. Confide in somebody, e.g. God, a friend, a teacher...
Even it doesn't look like this when you are in such stormy times - after the thunder the clouds clear approach, the sun is shining again and you can enjoy the sun's rays.
I wish you a bit of serenity so you can enjoy the sun without being afraid of the next thunderclouds.
"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
By the way, Jesus is a good contact point in stormy times. Here you can read about his qualities.
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